今回配信したのは1998-1999年くらいにやっていた曲。渋谷系に憧れて始めたジーニアスの曲たちです。インターネットはあったけどまだSNSもなかったし2ch もなかった。そんなテレホーダイな時代に茨城県つくば市で作っていた曲たちを是非お楽しみください。
Distribution started.
We started distributing Genius songs. -> here is the song.
I started Genius in 1996. At that time, we recorded the songs on cassette tapes and dubbed them one by one and sold them. There was a shop in my neighbourhood called ‘Tape Distribution Centre’ where I used to buy 10- and 20-minute tapes.
I was so impressed when I could burn CD-Rs at home that I stocked up on Taiyo Yuden media and hand-burned albums.
And before I knew it, time had passed and I had forgotten about the songs I wrote back then.
The songs I delivered this time were songs I did around 1998-1999. These are songs from Genius, which I started because of my admiration for Shibuya-kei. There was internet, but there was no SNS or 2ch yet. Please enjoy the songs I was making in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, during those telehodai days.