「こだぬききょうだいと きつねのコンたろう」下北沢公演が終わって

くちびるの会「こだぬききょうだいと きつねのコンたろう」の下北沢公演が終了しました。これは「くちびるの会」が行なっている「紙おしばい」公演の新作です。基本的には小学生など子供向けで紙芝居に俳優さんの演技や特殊な演出がくわわるから「紙おしばい」。演出の面白さをお客さんに楽しんでほしくてやっている活動だそうです。

→くちびるの会 note の紙おしばいの試みについての記事はこちらからどうぞ






→くちびるの会 X はこちら。

After ‘Kodanuki Kyodai to Kontarou the Fox’

The Shimokitazawa performance of Kuchibiru no Kai’s Kodanuki Kyodai to Konekontaro the Fox has just finished. This is a new performance of the Kuchibiru no Kai’s ‘paper play’ series. Basically, it is for children, such as primary schools students, and is called ‘kami oshibai’ because the actors’ performances and special effects are added to the picture stories. The performance is aimed at children in primary school and other schools.

→Click here to read an article about the paper play project by Kuchibiru no Kai note.

I have participated several times as a musician, but I usually check the performance before it starts, so I never get to know how the children are looking at the performance. But this time, I was able to visit the performance and observe the children.

I was surprised to find that children as young as 0 years old were allowed to watch the performance. And soft sheets were pulled down in the theatre seating area, where no shoes were allowed. The children were crawling around. If they’re crawling, they’re very young, aren’t they?

There was a fight scene in the middle of the play, and one of the children shouted “No fight! It was a fresh feeling to be involved in the world of the play.

It wasn’t just about entertaining the kids, it was about letting them experience theatre and nurturing young people in the future, and I was watching it, thinking that I would be happy if these kids would remember this even years from now.

And of course, the music I was in charge of was also well done. ・・・・ If you are interested in Paper Push-Paper, please contact Kuchibiru no Kai!

→If you are interested in paper theatre, please contact us!